Follow-Up 1st Quarter

Description: Welcome to the Follow-up page. This page displays the follow-up information for the participant. This tab will only be displayed once the participant has exited the program successfully. There are four follow-up quarters in YouthBuild. The Follow-up tab is used to keep track of the participants once successfully exited the YouthBuild program. The various quarters found under the Follow-up tab, will become active once the participant falls within that time frame.

The first Follow-up entry made, the Follow-up form will automatically appear. Once the first Follow-up record is saved to the participant's record, the Add New Follow-Up link will appear. Users will have the ability to add several follow-up records to the participants case.


Functions: This page contains the following functions:


Add Follow-up: 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter

Complete the following to Add a Follow-up: 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter record:

Note: If this is the first follow-up record skip the first step.

  • Click the 'Add New Follow-up' link. The Add Follow-up: 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter form will appear.

  • To complete this form complete the following:

    • In the Date of Follow-up text box, enter the date the follow-up attempt was made. Users can also use the image127.gif (Calendar) icon to select the date. (Required Field)

    • In the Mode of Contact drop-down list, select the type of contact made. (Required Field)

    •  In the If 'Other' Please Specify text box, enter the 'other' type of contact made. (Required if the 'Other' option was selected from the Mode of Contact drop-down list.)

    • Select one of the Successful Follow-up radio buttons to indicate if the follow-up attempt was successful.

If 'Successful follow-up' is 'Yes', then the data elements (below) marked by '»' are required. Note: Grayed out fields indicate a current placement does not exist.

    • Select one of the Employed radio buttons to indicate wether the participant was employed during the time the follow-up attempt was made. (»)

      • In the Hours Worked in a Full Week text box, enter the number of hours the participant works in a full week.

      • In the Hourly Wage First Full Week of Work text box, enter the participant's hourly wage received during the first full week of work.

    • Select one of the Enrolled in Post-Secondary Education radio buttons to indicate wether the participant was Enrolled in Post-Secondary Education during the time the follow-up attempt was made. (»)

      • In the Hours Attended Post-Secondary Education in a Full Week text box, enter the number of hours the participant attended Post-Secondary Education in a Full Week.

    • Select one of the Enrolled in Vocational Training radio buttons to indicate wether the participant was Enrolled in Vocational Training during the time the follow-up attempt was made. (»)

      • In the Hours Attended Vocational Training in a Full Week text box, enter the number of hours the participant attended Vocational Training in a Full Week.

      • In the Hourly Wage First Full Week of Work $ text box, enter the participant's hourly wage received during the first full week of work (if applicable).

Additional Information Section

    • Using the Received Public Assistance After Exit drop-down list, select the type of public assistance the participant received after exiting the program.

    • In the If 'Other government sources' please specify text box, enter the 'other' type of public assistance the participant received after exiting the program.

  • Once all Required Fields have been completed, click the image330.gif (Save) button. The Successfully Saved Message will appear.

Successfully Saved Message


  • Click the 'here' link to return to the Follow-Up page. The newly created Follow-up record will appear in the Existing Follow-Up Entries section.

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View/Update an Existing 1st Quarter Follow-up Record

Complete the following to View/Update an Existing 1st Quarter Follow-up record:

  • Select an existing 1st Quarter Follow-up record located under the Existing Follow-Up entries section. The Update Follow-up: 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter form will appear.

  • Users can update the following fields:

    • In the Date of Follow-up text box, enter the date the follow-up attempt was made. Users can also use the image127.gif (Calendar) icon to select the date. (Required Field)

    • In the Mode of Contact drop-down list, select the type of contact made. (Required Field)

    •  In the If 'Other' Please Specify text box, enter the 'other' type of contact made. (Required if the 'Other' option was selected from the Mode of Contact drop-down list.)

    • Select one of the Successful Follow-up radio buttons to indicate if the follow-up attempt was successful.

If 'Successful follow-up' is 'Yes', then the data elements (below) marked by '»' are required. Note: Grayed out fields indicate a current placement does not exist.

    • Select one of the Employed radio buttons to indicate wether the participant was employed during the time the follow-up attempt was made. (»)

      • In the Hours Worked in a Full Week text box, enter the number of hours the participant works in a full week.

      • In the Hourly Wage First Full Week of Work text box, enter the participant's hourly wage received during the first full week of work.

    • Select one of the Enrolled in Post-Secondary Education radio buttons to indicate wether the participant was Enrolled in Post-Secondary Education during the time the follow-up attempt was made. (»)

      • In the Hours Attended Post-Secondary Education in a Full Week text box, enter the number of hours the participant attended Post-Secondary Education in a Full Week.

    • Select one of the Enrolled in Vocational Training radio buttons to indicate wether the participant was Enrolled in Vocational Training during the time the follow-up attempt was made. (»)

      • In the Hours Attended Vocational Training in a Full Week text box, enter the number of hours the participant attended Vocational Training in a Full Week.

      • In the Hourly Wage First Full Week of Work $ text box, enter the participant's hourly wage received during the first full week of work (if applicable).

Additional Information Section

    • Using the Received Public Assistance After Exit drop-down list, select the type of public assistance the participant received after exiting the program.

    • In the If 'Other government sources' please specify text box, enter the 'other' type of public assistance the participant received after exiting the program.

  • Once all necessary fields have been updated, click the image330.gif (Save) button. The Successfully Saved Message will appear.

Successfully Saved Message


  • Click the 'here' link to return to the Follow-Up page. The updated Follow-up record will appear in the Existing Follow-Up Entries section.

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